To promote girls’ education and women’s empowerment in Afghanistan, the US Embassy in Kabul contracted Lapis to adapt the multi-award-winning Pakistani television show, Burka Avenger, for Afghan audiences. The show followed an action heroine who used a mystical martial art comprised of books and pens to battle evil forces trying to impose religious and political constraints on the local community. Burka Avenger offered a positive role model for female empowerment fighting not only for women’s rights and girls’ education, but also justice and peace.
The burqa, which Jiya only wears at night to fight crime, is transformed into a symbol of empowerment. Burka Avenger addressed many social issues in Afghanistan including girls’ education, justice, corruption and peace.
Lapis successfully organized 20 community engagement events in the provinces with the objective of reaching the remote areas with limited or no access to television.