Lapis led a CVE project in Jordan where we crowdsourced digital miniseries concepts for MBC through a hackathon called ‘A Different Story’.
The event included live focus groups with youth between ages of 18-22. Four creative teams competed to deliver a youth-driven miniseries that would encourage critical thinking amongst a male youth audience between the ages of 18-22, to counter extremist ideas. The result was “Kabreet 45“, a miniseries that told the story of Hisham and his disillusionment and daily frustrations and how he would eventually overcome them and avoid fostering extremist ideas.
The show was an 8-episode (5-minutes a piece) digital miniseries and aired on Shahid.Net (owned by MBC).
The show enabled reflection among youth on how violent extremist narratives can have an appeal to youth with specific states of mind and the need to solve personal grievances, frustrations and conflicts through constructive means.